Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My First Mardi Gras Ball

Ted and I attended our first Mardi Gras Ball last weekend. Mardi Gras is VERY big here in Alabama as this is it's birth place.

It's not just a day, it's a season. Throughout the Mardi Gras season there are dozens of parades, balls, and celebrations.
They are all hosted by men and  women's clubs across the greater Mobile area.
So when we got invited to our first ball, I panicked! I had no dress, no shoes, no SPANX, nothing!!
I tried to get out of it, but my super sexy husband really wanted us to go.
So my dear friend Erin ( she and her husband Steve invited us) promised me that she would go shopping with me for a new dress, and promised that it would NOT be stressful. I believed her and agreed to go.

Well whata ya know, I had tons of dresses to choose from and actually found one that I loved and that fit great. Also found beautiful shoes to match!! It was a sign!! we were going.

I haven't dressed up like this since my wedding day 18 years ago.

Totally forgot to suck in my stomach while I was being photographed!

Ted had to wear Tails and a white tie. Isn't he handsome?

These are our dear friend who invited us to the Ball. Steve is a member of this "secret society" of men who have been doing this for many generations. They have to wear masks and costumes and ride the floats and throw beads and toys to the crowd. Then they must wear their costume to the ball.

These are some of our other friends. Shannon and I spent a good part of the night discussing our SPANX and how weird they felt on our bodies. I won't go into any more detail than that, but lets just say that she did a lot of bending and squatting on that dance floor!! She cracks me up!!

Love these people!!

Note to all women who will be going out... FALSE EYELASHES BABY!!

Food tent

These two have a bromance like no other!! Steve is an Oncologist and Ted is an Oncology drug rep so they always have stuff to talk about. But I think they talk more about other stuff than work stuff. If they're not together, then they are constantly texting each other.


Lots of interesting get-ups

Friends and neighbors!

Um yea

That is a non-alcoholic beverage in his glass... I think

My feet are screaming at this point.

False Eyelashes Baby!!

Can we talk about how awesome SPANX are??

This is what happens when you try to kiss your husband and take your own picture at the same time.

Cinderella turned into a pumpkin and had to take her shoes off to walk to the carriage car.

The End


Anonymous said...

SO fun what a great experince....I knew Alabama had some great secrets

Mere said...

you are smokin hot....just sayin